Increase Engagement Through Meme Marketing

Meme Marketing is the art of packaging brand narratives as Memes and then distributing them through the Indian Meme Community. Almost all information today is transferred in the form of Memes, including news, politics, movies, trolling, exchanging opinions, related content, and so on!

Today, the Indian

Meme Culture has grown into an internet language

This shift creates a vast attention area for businesses to exploit, and we provide them with this cutting-edge instrument to seed their brand narratives. So, in a nutshell... You conveniently transmit your brand narrative to the intended target audience while providing them with humor and relatability instead of making consumers wince with traditional 'AD'-style content.

How can your business

Benefit From Meme Marketing

Pages of Memes

We regularly collaborate with the Indian meme community to create/curate Memes in various formats, including Movies, OTT, Sports, and Politics.

Pages for Storytelling

Short stories told through graphic carousels or in a few lines or words are a popular web format. We use the same strategy for brand marketing.

Pages for Specific Markets

Finance, health, and skincare niche pages deliver great material and have a loyal and specialized audience. Such pages are used to promote brands.

Content That

Goes Viral And Thumbs Up

Organic Growth

Meme content is self-promotional and can go viral in minutes due to increased likes, comments, and shares on social media platforms.

A Community

To reach your customers without developing long content or boosting Ad spending, build a dedicated group of followers across many social media channels.

Meme Marketing at Scale

We all enjoy them - whether a topic we're passionate about or a niche interest, a well-executed Meme may pique our interest and make the brand memorable.

Promotion of
Creative Content

Use short yet unique material to raise brand recognition and quietly advertise products or services that please your customers.






Marketing Methodology

Page Exploration

Using content affinity and target audience mapping, we curate the best meme pages for your campaign.

Strategy and Scripting

Based on brand USPs and meme profiles, which we then use to co-create scripts with each member

Campaign Implementation

We deliver flawless campaign execution and keep you informed at all times.

and Reporting

We examine the results and segment them to fine-tune the scale-up recommendations.

We’re here to help to grow your business.

Let's talk about your business

Let's Make
Something Together Great